More of the story unfolds…

yd003He will be two years old on December 23rd.  He lives in a city that is an easy train ride away from us.  He likes to clap his hands when his foster mom sings him “Twinkle Twinkle” and he likes to play with blocks.  We don’t know much more about this little guy, but what we do know – He will be the next Williams.


It is a boy.

Our Christmas baby.


Little Man is thrilled to have a brother coming, thinks we should name him Moses, call him Moe and keep his hair in a mohawk.  Momma isn’t sold on those ideas.


The countdown is on until we are able to meet this sweet boy and let him know that he has a forever family.  We have done so much of the work for this adoption not knowing who we were adopting, it feels surreal to finally see his face.

We want to thank you all again for each donation, word of encouragement, and prayer.  We stepped into this adoption knowing we needed to do it no matter what others thought.  (Honestly….we kinda thought we might get a few “you are crazy” comments.) But, we have been blown away and deeply blessed by how supportive you all have been.

Thank you.  Two simple words, but I really am not sure what else I can say.  We mean them deeply.



9 thoughts on “More of the story unfolds…

  1. I’m so excited for you guys!!! What a beautiful step you are taking. Can’t wait to see him with your family!

    Can you post more about where you stand financially?

    1. Thanks, Krista! We are excited to have another boy! With Bryan teaching extra classes online and donations we have paid for about half of the adoption. We have about $15,000 left. We appreciate prayers for God’s provision for the last half of the fees.

  2. He is precious!!!! And Little Man has a point…Moses, call him Moe and with a Mohawk he would be so cute!! LOL Whatever his name is, he is yours and God has blessed him and your family richly.

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