We packed up our lives….again.

It really takes time for me to sit and count how many times I have packed up for a move over the past 20 years. God has taken us to Ohio, Peru, Michigan, China, Kentucky, Florida, back to Asia – and now we pack again.

Some of these moves were planned and hoped for. Some unexpected. Each of them have grown us in ways that amaze me as I look back on this journey God has taken us on as we seek to serve Him. That gives me faith as we step out again.

One of the things I have packed and unpacked, moving it across oceans and through all of these States – sage green towels. Towels that were given to Bryan and I as wedding gifts by Linda Mullins, a friend at Brice UMC. Funny what you remember. I actually laughed out loud as I looked in the hall closet of our apartment in Asia. I was trying to decide what would go in the suitcases that we would take with us to the States. Those towels have been trusted friends. I must admit they are a bit frayed on the edges now. They didn’t make the cut. It is time for new towels and time to embrace a new season.

B and Little Man both need some medical care that we were unable to get in our city in Asia, so we knew that God was steering us toward an extended time in the States to seek healing.

Bryan has accepted a position as a campus pastor in Michigan. The church is a little over an hour from my family and is a mile from a university. He is excited by this new opportunity and for the chance to love and lead folks in our new community. He also is excited to continue our connection in Asia through our sending organization. He has been asked to travel a couple times a year to help with leadership training and curriculum developement. Equipping the next generation of church leaders in regions of the world that don’t have the resources we do in the west is a constant passion. We are excited to see where both of these ministry opportunities will take us throught this next season.

For me – I kinda feel like that frayed towel. It has been a crazy few years (or maybe it is jetlag talking!) I am looking forward to some time to help our kids get healthy, homeschooling with some extra resources, launching our eldest to university (craziness!) and seeing where God leads from there. Keep posted. I am sure God has some fun things up his sleeve for all of us. We will have stories to share and we would love for you to continue to join us in the journey.

9 thoughts on “We packed up our lives….again.

  1. Love it. Maybe Steve and I will come see you. I will have to rope him to get him to quit working but I’ll try. ❤️

  2. (Hi! Liz Carroll here!) Oh what a familiar feeling it is to be sitting by all those bags in an airport— tears mingled with excitement. Thank you for sharing, and know that you will be upheld in prayer as you all make this huge transition…again. What a comfort to know that He is very much the same God, no matter what continent we live in. Keep us posted how we can be praying!

    Many blessings, Liz 🙂


    1. Thank you so much, Liz. I can’t express how much it means to have folks who pray with empathy and deep understanding. “Tears mingled with excitement” describes it accurately! Trusting out God who is always the same. Thank you!

  3. Oh my goodness, another transition! Praying for peace and for God to gently smooth those frayed edges.

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